Could DuckTales 2017 Be Moving To The Disney Channel?

Hiatus, hiatus, hiatus, hiatus. That’s all Duck fans want to talk about at the moment. Everyone who cares about Disney XD’s reboot of DuckTales only has one question on their minds; “When will DuckTales 2017 air new episodes on Disney XD?” What if the answer is, never?

We’ve been following this for a few days now. Last week Disney sent out press releases announcing that two new animated shows (Amphibia and Owl House) had been ordered for the Disney Channel. That same press releases announced that the Disney Channel picked up the fourth season of Star vs, The Forces of Evil. The thing is, Star is a show on Disney XD… was the PR grouping all of the channels together?

Three days ago AdWeek posts an article about Disney’s television upfronts, and it talks about how Disney is focusing it’s television division to create levels for their advertising. Disney Jr to ABC, the goal is to create a series of channels that appeal to all age groups.

Meanwhile, we take note that it’s not only DT2017 that seem to be in a hold pattern at the moment, but other shows as well. Take Big Hero 6 for example. The show’s made for television animated movie aired on Disney XD months ago, but we haven’t seen a single episode of season 1. The people working on the show have said they (like DT2017) are working on the second season already…

For the past week, I’ve been thinking about all of this. Then, this evening a friend of the show @Kahuna_Potato sends me a link to the listing of the second DuckTales trade paperback “Mysteries and Mallards.” The Disney Channel logo has been added to the product image!

Now, it could absolutely be that this is nothing and that I’m just making another wild guess. But once I saw that logo on that cover image… it just makes sense, right? The Disney Channel is typically available in lower tiered programming packages than Disney XD and Disney Jr. This means DT2017 will be accessible to more viewers. We know the premiere of the show was a huge success and if the Disney Channel is about to add more animation projects to it’s lineup you would think DuckTales 2017 would be a great fit in their new programming schedule.

What do you think? Would it excite you to learn that DuckTales 2017 will be back but on The Disney Channel instead of Disney XD? You can join the conversation in the comments or on Twitter @DuckTalks


DuckTales 2017 In New Disney Channel Promo!

Looks Like Season 2 of DuckTales 2017 Is Coming In October!

Was DuckTales 2017 Always Scheduled For Summer 2018?


  1. It is already aired there in IT and I think in the rest of the world. Italian information. Trust me 🙂


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