Don’t Miss Dragon Con!

Last year I was very disappointed when Dragon Con had to be move to a virtual event during the COVID-19 global pandemic. I had attended the convention for the past three years, and it is always a highlight of my year. I had hoped to gather with my fellow fans this year in Atlanta. I was excited to see that Don Rosa would be returning, I was looking forward to pestering Jim Cummings again with questions about future Darkwing Duck projects, and I had decided it was time to pay for Zachary Levi’s autograph… Unfortunately, Dragon Con began today, and I am not in Atlanta.

I know cons are starting up again, and everyone is trying to do their part to make them safe and enjoyable for guests. I was thankful when Dragon Con sent out updates to their requirements that included additional precautions for COVID-19. I was thankful, but with the increase in infection rates climbing in the south it wasn’t a trip that I could consider for myself.

Choosing not to go to Dragon Con is a real bummer. The five day event is an opportunity to get away from everyday life and hang out will others who love pop culture…. well pop culture everything. If you like movies, you would love Dragon Con. If you like video games, you would love Dragon Con. If you like comic books, television series, or sci-fi novels YOU WOULD LOVE Dragon Con!

Last year Dragon Con was forced to cancel the in-person event and instead opt for a virtual experience. I don’t remember choosing not to join Dragon ConTV, but I did not make that mistake this year I didn’t realize I was purchasing not only access to the many events and panels for this year’s Dragon Con, but also access to a library of virtual panels and events! I’ve already watched the Shazam panel from a couple of years ago!

I didn’t want to let the event go by without letting you all know that you can experience a taste of Dragon Con for only $10. That ten bucks allows you to experience a lot of content live, you can also watch after the panel/event has ended, and you get access for an entire year! Check out Dragon ConTV by following the link below.

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