Dynamite Comics Disney Hercules #2 Review

Bless my soul, Dynamite Comics has been on a roll with their new Disney Comics series. Does their latest series Disney Hercules Go the Distance?

Today, we will take a look at Disney Hercules #2 published by Dynamite Comics.

Disney Hercules #2 (George Kambadais)

Disney Hercules #2

Release Date: May 15th, 2024

Writer: Elliott Kalan

Artist: George Kambadais

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Editor: Nate Cosby

Covers: George Kambadais, Matteo Lolli, Francesco Tomaselli, Alessandro Ranaldi

Disney Hercules #2 (Matteo Lolli)

Official Synopsis:


After being ghosted by Aphrodite, Hercules suspects that the goddess of love may have been the victim of malevolent forces. But before he can investigate much further, he’s tasked with another Olympian mission – this time on behalf of Aphrodite’s husband Haphaestus, god of the forge, who enlists Hercules to track down a clockwork war machine that might be responsible for his wife’s mysterious disappearance.

However, when Hercules – joined by the always-helpful Phil and the newly incarnated Galatea – pursues the rogue automaton, Haphaestus goes missing as well. And while losing one god could simply be bad luck, losing two in as many days seems more like a conspiracy!

Disney Hercules #2 (Francesco Tomaselli)

My Review


Another Olympian God, Haphaestus, has a job for Hercules. Haphaestus is the God of the Forge who makes all of the weapons for the Olympians. Haphaestus’ wife Aphrodite has recently gone missing, and he fears that one of his mechanical creations took her. Hercules, Phil, and Galatea are on the case in the search for Aphrodite. They will need to defeat Haphaestus’ godly monster creation, Talos.

At the end of this issue, we get a shadowy glimpse of the God who is behind the mysterious disappearance of Aphrodite. The mystery villain could be Hades or a new Hercules villain. Haphaestus joins Aphrodite as captured Olympians. Per usual, George Kambadais does a god like art performance on all of his panels. I love the Hercules characters both old and new in his art style. As we have seen with his work on Dynamite Comics’ Gargoyles comic series, George can really pack his panels with action. I look forward to more adventures of Hercules.

Dynamite Comics Disney Hercules Goes the Distance and that’s The Gospel Truth!

Disney Hercules #2 (Alessandro Ranaldi)

The next issue of Hercules will hero up at your local comic book shop tentatively on June 12th, 2024. Please make sure to also support the Dynamite Comics Justice Ducks, Negaduck, Gargoyles Quest, Disney Villains Cruella De Vil and Lilo & Stitch comic series while you are out buying Disney Hercules.

Let us know what you thought of Disney Hercules #2 in the comments below. Which cover(s) did you get?

We had the pleasure of interviewing Elliott Kalan on this hit new series. You can read that interview here: Elliott Kalan Interview.

Don’t forget to follow @DuckTalks and @DynamiteComics for all of the latest Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck, Disney Hercules and Disney Villains comic news.


  1. Hercules #5 does not appear to be in Dynamite’s June 2024 solicitations. Do you think it’s behind or did it not do well and has been cancelled?


    • I asked someone if Hercules was a limited series or if it will continue, and they said that it is not a limited series.


      • I believe the author stated in an interview I watched Hercules is supposed to be a 12 issue series. I’ve been loving the Dynamite Disney books, and I hope they are doing well enough to continue.


      • Dynamite responsed back to me that Hercules #5 will be in the July Solicitations catalog for a September release.


      • Awesome. Thanks for the info. I’ve been enjoying your blog for the past few years. Any idea when the Darkwing reboot will happen?


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