Dynamite Comics’ Negaduck #2 Review!

Here’s the good news: Negaduck has found the sorceress Morgana! And the bad news? Morgana attacks Negaduck with an army of bats and spiders! If Negaduck survives this decidedly icky experience, he’ll need Morgana to reveal the location of the mysterious AGONY ISLAND…
Writer JEFF PARKER and artist CIRO CANGIALOSI continue their nefarious narration of Darkwing Duck’s most notable nemesis, aided and abetted by the cleverest of cover art collaborators, including KAREN S. DARBOE, JAE LEE, TRISH FORSTNER, and STEVE LIEBER!

Release October 2024. 32 Pages. $3.99.

Dynamite Comics’ second issue of Negaduck was released today at local comic book shops and digitally. If you haven’t read our review of the first issue you can use this link to check it out (https://ducktalks.com/2023/09/12/dynamite-comics-negaduck-1-review/). I mostly enjoyed the first issue, and I remarked that I was looking forward to seeing where the story might take us. I am happy to say that issue two was also a fun read for me.

As I said in my review of the first issue of Dynamite Comics’ Negaduck, I am very surprised that this spin-off has happened. It never occurred to me that we could have comic book series based on the fan-favorite villains of our favorite Disney characters! The thought seriously never crossed my mind. For years I’ve been concerned over the lack of Disney Comics that this was the furthest thing from my mind… and I LOVE IT. I like that we are taking a break from Darkwing and focusing on his dastardly doppelgänger.

Ok, ok, let’s get to the review.

The Story

I have to say, I like where this story is going. Issue two is a direct continuation of issue one. Negaduck has stumbled across a scheme to get him back into the swing-of-things, and as teased in issue one he is on his way to see Morgana Macawber, a capable sorcerous and romantic interest of Darkwing Duck’s. The story was enjoyable enough. When Negaduck visits Morgana she is understandably unwelcoming, but in the end she does provide him with the information that he needs. It’s not much of a standalone story, but it is fun following Negaduck on this adventure. We also catch up with some of Darkwing Duck’s other rogues as they band together to take on Negaduck to beat him to his goals. I am looking forward to seeing what happens when they find Negaduck, of course that will have to wait until he takes care of his latest emergency that we see in the cliffhanger.

The Art

I love Ciro Cangialosi’s art on this series. It’s very vibrant and expressive. It’s a great contrast to a character who is completely evil. His character models match what we know just enough to feel familiar, but are unique enough to set it apart. The story flows really well with the artwork. Cangialosi’s backgrounds are gorgeous. I don’t often find myself staring at backgrounds while reading a comic, but I did with this issue.

The Verdict

I’m enjoying this series, and I’m looking forward to the next issue. The first two issues have sold me on this series and I am looking forward to the rogues catching up with Negaduck and confronting him.

My only complaint mirrors the one from the last issue, we need more chainsaws!

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