Dynamite Comics Darkwing Duck #8 Review

Daring duck of mystery
Champion of right
Swoops out of the shadows
Darkwing owns the night
Somewhere some villain schemes
But his number’s up


Darkwing Duck (When there’s trouble you call DW)
Darkwing Duck (Let’s get dangerous!)
Darkwing Duck (Darkwing, Darkwing, duck!)

Today, we will take a look at Darkwing Duck #8 published by Dynamite comics.

Release Date: August 23rd, 2023

Writer: Amanda Deibert

Artist: Carlo Cid Lauro

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Editor: Nate Cosby

Main Covers by: Mirka Andolfo, Leirix, Jacob Edgar, Trish Forstner, Carlo Cid Lauro, George Kambadais, Ken Haeser, and Cat Staggs

Darkwing Duck #8 (Trish Forstner)


Official Synopsis: The Justice Ducks are on a quest WAY up north! But since Launchpad’s compass is stolen, they don’t know where they’re going. And an Abominable Snow Duck attacks the crew and separates them. And Darkwing refuses to let anyone help because he is the best superhero in the world. Other than that, everything’s going totally great…


This is a Dynamite Comics release. So you know that there is going to be a dangerous amount of covers. In this section, I am going to highlight some of the most dangerous covers for Darkwing Duck #8.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Carlo Lauro)

Ciro Canglialosi will be illustrating the spin-off Negaduck comic series from Negaduck that will be released this September. He has also produced the last few Darkwing Duck action figure variant covers and the magnificent Gizmoduck variant cover below.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Ciro Cangialosi)

I am collecting the action figure variant incentive covers for this Darkwing Duck comic series. Neptunia is featured on Darkwing Duck #8. Why can’t this action figure be the real deal?

Darkwing Duck #8 (Ciro Cangialosi)

Morgana is featured on the variant cover by Drew Moss who is also illustrating the Gargoyles: Dark Ages comics.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Drew Moss)

My Review


Darkwing, Launchpad, and Gosalyn are flying to the North Pole in the Thunderquack in search of Launchpad’s stolen compass. We know the thief is in the North Pole because he/she dropped a North Pole or Bust postcard at the scene of the crime, but the main objective for Darkwing is to get there before Neptunia. Launchpad’s navigation is a little off since he does not have his compass, and they end up on a tropical island. Since they are lost they might as well land on the island to get directions or at least a compass from the local gift shop. The gift shop shack has some fun Easter Eggs as it also sells hats and glasses from some of are other favorite Disney ducks.

I have to mention that there is also another familiar beach loving Pirate duck catching some rays while Darkwing Duck is momentarily in vacation mode slurping a drink from a coconut shell. This was my favorite Pirate Steven cameo so far. Thanks Carlo!

Pirate Steven

They are going to need a new temporary pilot if they are going to get to the North Pole before Neptunia. When there’s trouble Gosalyn calls…Gizmoduck. I bet Drake regrets getting Gosalyn a cell phone now. Darkwing and Gizmoduck argue over which one of them is the other’s sidekick the whole way up to the North Pole.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Mirka Andolfo)

When they get to the North Pole, Darkwing and and Gizmoduck spot an ice fortress maze that could belong to a super villain. The fortress is guarded by an abominable snow duck. Darkwing and Gizmoduck engage in a fight with the abominable snow duck as Gosalyn is swept away by an avalanche of snow. Darkwing eventually knocks the snow duck out. To get through the ice maze, Darkwing uses a blow torch mode on his gas gun and Gizmoduck uses a torch on the chest of his suit. Gosalyn is rescued by the hero duo from a trio of polar bears. No one kept an eye on Launchpad like they should have as he has kidnapped underwater. Now who is going to be the sidekick? We will find out in the next issue.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Cat Staggs)

This issue definitely made me want to go watch the classic Darkwing Duck episodes “Up, Up, and Awry”, “Darkwing Doubloon”, “Tiff of the Titans” and “Just Us Justice Ducks” episodes on Disney+. These episodes all have appearances by Gizmoduck. Blathering Blatherskite!

The first six issues of Dynamite Comics Darkwing Duck will be re-released as a special collection in October. It will be titled F.O.W.L. Play, and come in three collectible editions of a trade paperback, trade hardcover, and trade hardcover signed by Amanda Diebert. Buying the individual issues definitely make the trade collections and series extension possible. Keep getting dangerous every month when new issues are released.

Darkwing Duck #9 is tentatively scheduled for August 23rd, 2023. Please make sure to support the Dynamite Comics Gargoyles, Gargoyles: Dark Ages, Disney Villains Maleficent, and Disney Villains Hades series while you are out buying Darkwing Duck. Also preorder Negaduck which debuts next month.

It feels great to get dangerous again with this new Darkwing Duck comic series.

Darkwing Duck #8 (Ken Haeser)

Let us know what you thought of Darkwing Duck #8 in the comments below. What cover(s) did you get?

Don’t forget to follow @DuckTalks and @DynamiteComics for all of the latest Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, and Disney Villains comic news.


  1. Don’t get me wrong, Steven, it’s nice that Carlo keeps giving you cameos in this thing. But I still don’t think this comic will ever make up for the loss of the awesome stories that Aaron Sparrow and James Silvani had planned but will never get to publish now because Disney fired them.


    • Hey Kacy! As you know, I am a huge fan of the Sparrow and Silvani Darkwing comics. I often rank those stories above the original animated series when I think about my favorite Darkwing Duck adventures. This comic is something different from different creators selected by Dynamite Entertainment. Disney did not fire Sparrow and Silvani. They were just not selected for this project by the new publishers. It would be unfair to compare every issue in this series with the awesome level of that previous Darkwing Duck comic series. I enjoy this current series for what it is, and I think it hits it’s specific goal. The comic does not have to make up for the loss of the awesome stories that Aaron Sparrow and James Silvani had planned. That is not the goal.


      • Then why is Sparrow continually badmouthing Disney on his Twitter feed? I don’t think he’d be doing that if he was still working for them.


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