Dynamite Comics Disney Villains Maleficent #4 Review

I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

Maleficent has received her invitation from Dynamite Comics to join Scar and be the second villain to rule in their Disney Villains comics series. The Disney Villains Maleficient miniseries will run for five evil issues.

Today, we will take a look at Disney Villains Maleficent #4 published by Dynamite Comics.

Release Date: August 16th, 2023.

Writer/Illustrator: Soo Lee

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Editor: Nate Cosby

Covers by: Jae Lee, Soo Lee, Jennifer L. Meyer, Rebeca Puebla, Erica D’Urso, J Scott Campbell

Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (Jae Lee)

Official Synopsis: A fearsome Knight is sent to the Forbidden Kingdom, to demand the immediate surrender of Maleficent. Never bested in battle, and burdened with glorious purpose, the Knight is confident in his success. But like all others that have underestimated Maleficent, he is in for a rude awakening…


This is a Dynamite Comics release. So you know that the evil sorceress is going to conjure up a kingdom of covers. In this section, I am going to highlight some of the enchanting covers for Disney Villains: Maleficent #4.

Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (Soo Lee)
Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (Jennifer L. Meyer)
Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (Rebeca Puebla)
Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (Erica D’Urso)

The Soo Lee cover is the most accurate to the Maleficent’s character design in the comic. You will be happy with whichever cover you get your hands on as this batch of Maleficent covers are evil works of art that all Disney Villains and Maleficent fans will treasure. The cover game with this series is very strong, and I can see fans purchasing multiple covers from a fantastic artist lineup.

My Review


Chapter 4 is titled the Knight. A medieval squad of knights invade the enchanted forest in search of Maleficent. The knights first battle through Maleficent’s Goons before Maleficent makes her appearance. They are after Maleficent’s surrender to be tried for her crimes against Prince Reynaud. I may be biased, but I would say Maleficent is innocent of that crime accusation since Prince Reynaud tried to steal her staff in the first issue. She is able to get four of the knights to retreat by raising some of her vicious thorn bushes combined with a blaze of green fire and smoke. The lead knight who gives off vibes that he may be Prince Reynaud’s brother, Prince Gavin, who we met in the second issue, is trapped and completely entangled in thorn branches. The knight gets completely imprisoned by the branches so much that it forms a tree around him to watch the final battle with Maleficent in issue #5 which will be against the king’s royal magician. I can’t wait to see how it all ends, but Maleficent definitely has the upper hand against the kingdom that can’t seem to stay out of her forest. Soo Lee’s artwork and attention to detail in each comic panel continues to impress.

Don’t sleep on Dynamite Comics Disney Villains Maleficent.

Disney Villains Maleficent #4 (J Scott Campbell)

The final issue of Disney Villains Maleficent will awaken September 13th, 2023. Please make sure to support the Dynamite Comics Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, and Disney Villains Hades comic series while you are out buying Disney Villains Maleficent. You can also preorder Negaduck which will terrorize your pull box in September.

Want even more Disney Villains Maleficent? Check out our interview with the enchanting Disney Villains Maleficent writer and illustrator Soo Lee: Soo Lee Interview

Let us know what you thought of Disney Villains Maleficent #4 in the comments below. What cover(s) did you get?

Don’t forget to follow @DuckTalks and @DynamiteComics for all of the latest Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck, and Disney Villains comic news.

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