Dynamite Comics Disney Villains Maleficent #2 Review

I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

Maleficent has received her invitation from Dynamite Comics to join Scar and be the second villain to rule in their Disney Villains comics series. The Disney Villains: Maleficient miniseries will run for five evil issues.

Today, we will take a look at Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 published by Dynamite Comics.

Release Date: June 7th, 2023.

Writer/Illustrator: Soo Lee

Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry

Editor: Nate Cosby

Covers by: Jae Lee, Soo Lee, Jennifer L. Meyer, Rebeca Puebla, Erica D’Urso, J Scott Campbell

Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (Jae Lee)

Official Synopsis: Chapter Two: “The Well-Meaning Prince.” A brave lad approaches the Forbidden Mountain, eager to find his lost brother, who is said to have wandered where he shouldn’t have. The prince will be espied by a foreboding crow, stalked by an ominous serpent, and shown the true, awful personification of evil…Maleficent.


This is a Dynamite Comics release. So you know that the evil sorceress is going to conjure up a kingdom of covers. In this section, I am going to highlight some of the enchanting covers for Disney Villains: Maleficent #2.

Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (Soo Lee)
Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (Jennifer L. Meyer)
Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (Rebeca Puebla)
Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (Erica D’Urso)
Disney Villains: Maleficent Action Figure Variant
Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 (J Scott Campbell)

The Soo Lee cover is the most accurate to the Maleficent’s character design in the comic. You will be happy with whichever cover you get your hands on as this batch of Maleficent covers are evil works of art that all Disney Villains and Maleficent fans will treasure. The cover game with this series is very strong, and I can see fans purchasing multiple covers from a fantastic artist lineup.

My Review


Prince Gavin is searching for his brother Reynaud who ran away from his home and responsibilities. Reynaud was caught trying to steal Maleficent’s staff in the previous issue. Maleficent turned him into a wolf like creature. In this issue, Maleficent turns into a snake to slither sneak up to Prince Gavin who has made it to her enchanted forest. She has a conversation with him and later turns back into her sorceress form after finding out what/who he is looking for. I originally typed that as evil sorceress form, but this is her comic and she is the hero.

Maleficent tells Prince Gavin the tale of what happened to his brother. Prince Gavin calls her a heartless monster. This comment causes Maleficent to transform into a giant snake to show him how heartless she can really be. Maleficent’s transformation into a giant dragon was the ultimate highlight in the animated classic Sleeping Beauty. Seeing her as a giant viper snake was neat. I bet she would get a long with snake Jafar. The Maleficent snake could have devoured Prince Gavin, but Maleficent likes to play with her prey. Maleficent doesn’t give chase when the prince escapes on his horse. Prince Gavin lives to see the next issue.

I have to say that it is really easy to root for Maleficent in this Disney Villain comic series as neither Prince Reynaud or Prince Gavin seem like they would be very fun at parties. We get two maniacally evil classic Maleficent laughs in this issue at the prince’s expense.

Soo Lee’s artwork continues to impress in this issue. The background art of the forest with all of it’s expressive trees and thorns is especially detailed and reminiscent of the classic Mary Blair art from Sleeping Beauty. There is so much detail and background eye candy that it almost feels like an extra character.

Don’t sleep on Dynamite Comics Disney Villains: Maleficent.

The next issue of Disney Villains: Maleficent will awaken July 5th, 2023. Please make sure to support the Dynamite Comics Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, and Disney Villains: Scar comic series while you are out buying Disney Villains: Maleficent. Disney Villains: Hades was recently announced as the next villain to join the wicked lineup in August.

Let us know what you thought of Disney Villains: Maleficent #2 in the comments below. What cover(s) did you get?

Don’t forget to follow @DuckTalks and @DynamiteComics for all of the latest Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck, and Disney Villains comic news.

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